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Jeffery Dusak PhD

Music Therapy for Pain Management Among Adults with Sickle Cell Disease

Susan Samueli Integrative Health Institute, UCI


Jeffery A Dusek, PhD, is Professor in the Department of Medicine, University of California- Irvine (UCI) and Director of Research Outcomes, Susan Samueli Integrative Health Institute (ssihi.uci), UCI.  Dusek is PI of a multi-site R01 to study the effects of music therapy on pain in individuals with sickle cell disease. He is also PI of a network grant (U24) to assemble music therapists, neuroscience experts and clinical trialists to explore the biological basis of how music therapy impacts pain. Both studies are funded by the National Centers for Complementary and Integrative Health. Dusek also serves as the co-leader of the BraveNet Practice Based Research Network ( – which includes 26 well-known integrative health clinics across the US, Canada and Australia.  Dusek has published over 100 scientific articles in peer reviewed medical literature and, according to Google Scholar his research has been cited over 10,700 times. 

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